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Homemade Vanilla Cookies

Homemade Vanilla Cookies

Homemade Vanilla Cookies


  • 150g sugar
  • 250g wheat flour
  • 150g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


  1. Cream the Butter and Sugar: In a mixing bowl, blend the sugar and butter together using either a wooden spoon or an electric mixer until the mixture is light and fluffy.
  2. Add Egg and Vanilla: Incorporate the egg and vanilla extract into the mixture. Continue mixing until you achieve a smooth and uniform consistency.
  3. Combine Dry Ingredients: Gradually add the baking powder and wheat flour to the mixture, stirring continuously until you form a fine and homogeneous dough.
  4. Chill the Dough: Place the dough in the refrigerator for about 2 hours to allow it to firm up.
  5. Preheat the Oven: As the chilling time comes to an end, preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
  6. Roll Out the Dough: Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out on a floured surface to a thickness of about 0.5 cm or less.
  7. Shape the Cookies: Use a cookie cutter, glass, or knife to cut the dough into your desired shapes and sizes.
  8. Prepare the Baking Tray: Grease a baking tray and place the cookies on it, ensuring there is enough space between each cookie to allow for expansion during baking.
  9. Bake: Put the tray in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 15 minutes, or until the cookies are golden brown.
  10. Cool: Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool to room temperature on a wire rack.
  11. Serve and Enjoy: Your homemade vanilla cookies are ready to be served and enjoyed.

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